Monday 30 January 2012

So whose buying adult animation

This could take a while...

My guts tell me the likes of Adult Swim, Sci-Fi, FX (UK and US) is a potential home. Out of all of these the one I'd lean to is Adult Swim, but its probably considered very out there and it'd be more of a sneak attack to see if we can squeeze in the backdoor of wider broadcaster. That said, AS put on great shows and seem to have a rock n roller kick your hole out attitude.


It's very easy to get sucked into selling in the States. There is a lot of great programming, and a lot of shite. But, they speak English and are a huge market with a lot of buying power. However, what about other countries in Europe. We could easily voice Dangerous Days for a French market. In fact, in some ways, it might suit a French audience more to watch it, I don't know. Certainly, if there is a market for it, it will come from consumers who I think enjoy something familar/something different and those with the toleration to watch animation. Which isn't everyone.

I don't have the stats for what country watches the most animation - I'm sure it exists - or what country, per head, spends the most on animation, but it can't just be the States.

I keep on thinking Germany and France, but again this is probably because they are large countries with a lot of State infrastructure and probably broadcasters who've bought before. Or maybe, no one has.

Is there any prestige to be hand in making happen a series first?

I guess only if it does really effing well is the answer.

Some of the questions might be below - see link - if I would want to pay 2000 grand for the privilege.


Find out some more about it.


And the lovely French animation watchers.


There is a bull in the corner snorting his hole of because he's not being noticed.

What the fuck do you do with a commission? You still have to make it, obviously. And that can't be done in little old Northern Ireland. The place to go would be the South, but even then it only really makes sense to contract out the main drawings to India, or somewhere like it. Estimates are it is 60-70% cheaper to go down that route.

Don't we need a Producer for all that? Or at least someone to run with, help with all of this side of it.


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