Wednesday 12 October 2011


The greatest noir detective was Bogart. His greatest film is arguably the Maltese Falcon. There's no getting away from Bogie. You, we, us, them, we have to watch it because in those reactions, smiles, behaviour and character psychology lie the roots of all noir detectives.

Our lead isn't actually a detective. Horatio Wells (I thought of the name and then realised where it came from. Horatio is from Shakespere's Hamlet. And Wells because of Orson Wells) is probably a journalist. For a low-fi high brow fairly pretentious music culture magazine that no-one reads. However, its the pusher that sets him into contact with the 'investagations' that he gets involved in.  

Shakespeare in general has also been a major influence in the development of the series. I've been slowly getting through the brilliant Oxford Complete Shakespeare and his storytelling, especially his tragedies, are of course superb. Superb in construction and story design. That's what we're going for.

Some history on the horrible tragedy of MacBeth:

Warning: lots of big words. Heavy.


is half Choctaw and half Irish. An odd mix sure. What'll that make him look like? Big ears on the side of a smooth sublime moony face?

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